Coulombic Efficiency Demystified
Check out this article written by the experts on solid-state battery technology, QuantumScape, to learn about coulombic efficiency in electric vehicles.
White paper: A deep dive into QuantumScape’s fast-charging performance
Fast charging is increasingly important to buyers of electric vehicles, but high-energy legacy lithium-ion batteries are still limited in how fast they can recharge. These limitations are largely due to fundamental constraints of battery design. QuantumScape’s technology has been designed to overcome many of these constraints, to unlock a step-change in fast-charging performance […]
What’s the Difference Between Capacity and Energy?
In the simplest terms, a battery’s capacity describes how many electrons it can store for later use.
Can lithium metal anodes work with liquid or polymer electrolytes?
In our blog post on sulfides, we outlined some of the limitations we believe make sulfide-based solid electrolyte separators unsuitable for enabling lithium-metal anode technologies.
Distinguishing charge rates for next-generation batteries
A critical factor drivers consider when looking at electric vehicles is how quickly they can be charged. Unfortunately, battery experts can use confusing jargon when talking about this concept, so here we’re going to break down key charging concepts and how they translate to the real world.
Third-Party Tests Confirm QS Cell Performance
This report from Mobile Power Solutions, an independent battery laboratory, validates QuantumScape battery cell performance.
Lithium Iron Phosphate on the QuantumScape Solid-State Lithium-Metal Platform
Today’s electric vehicle battery market is characterized by various technologies and chemistries, addressing different user requirements.
Temperature in Battery Development
Why do electric vehicles heat up the battery before a fast-charging session but run cooling systems while cruising? Why do EVs lose range in the cold winter months – and how can QuantumScape’s battery technology overcome these challenges?
The Problem with Sulfides
We are often asked about the basic chemistry of solid-state battery materials. Specifically, what’s the composition of your solid electrolyte, and why did you choose that material over others?
How to Benchmark Solid-State Batteries
Evaluating the performance of new technology can be challenging for experts and the public alike. Internal combustion engines have been around for more than a century, and by now, most people know how to compare them based on horsepower, torque, or fuel economy.